With & Without

Context has its purpose when a particular need is required. Whatever language is used to communicate any kind of information, context sets the stage of performance.

This is how we “understand” to the best of our ability. To pass on what we have learned. Be it in a biological exchange, or a sensory reflection. All of us working with a limited set of tools. Be it just a few, or a plethora.

Have you ever came to the conclusion that because of the limited tools at your disposal; some things just don’t make any sense? You know certain things add up. Yet, that one thing doesn’t. How can others claim to fully understand what you currently do not? First reason is probably, they have more tools to work with. Second reason is that there might be something purposely hidden between those lines of communication. Third reason? It’s all a fat load of bat$#!+.

I’ll give you an example. A controversial one.

How come the civilizations that existed far longer than 2 thousand years ago, were able to construct and create structures that we currently are unable to recreate? More specifically, how were they able to carve stone blocks weighing over 1,200 tons and then move those blocks miles from their origin?

This question baffles many people. It has been blowing their minds for centuries. So, what tools are we missing?

Well, maybe the tools we are reaching for are the wrong tools. Maybe, we do have the tools. However, we just don’t use those tools anymore. Those tools might be ones that are not necessary anymore since the newer ones are easier to work with.

Think hard about this posed question for a moment. If you wanted to build a place to honor something that is important to you, and you wanted this thing to last a long time. How would you go about building/creating it?

First, you need a resource to build it with. Depending on the resource needed. If you don’t currently have it, you need a way to acquire it. Also, if this resource can’t be easily picked up off the ground, just anywhere, you have to have some sort of way to find it.

Let’s cut to the chase shall we? You will need money. And depending on how much of this resource you need, you might need a lot of money. This right here would be your first metaphorical roadblock. For a lot of people, this is where “the journey” ends. And more importantly where creativity is not tapped into.

We are talking about metaphoric tools right?

If the people back then didn’t have what we have now, what did they use to make things we ourselves cannot? This right here is an assumption. We most likely can. I believe it is the mindset that is the roadblock. Like many other things far more simple and trivial. Meaning, why would I waist my time and money on doing things one way, when I can accomplish what I want with less effort doing it another way?

I don’t need 1000’s of people to move giant blocks of carved stones across the country side with basic geometry tactics. Using complex structures, waterways, and clever combinations of the two. It would cost millions of dollars and take forever. I can just hire a couple hundred and use complex machines other people have invented to pour concrete to get the job done in about a year or two. Do you see where I am going with this?

The mindset is everything. If they didn’t have what we have today, the people before them, had even less. All this stemming from the very same conundrum. Asking the question, “how was it done?”

They all did it. Just in a different way. We do it too. “In a different way.”

Here is where things can get crazy (architectural oddities aside). How come almost all of the mythologies we have discovered from the same time periods, can’t be proven? Are these things just ways we ourselves produce our own mythologies? Do you know what I mean? Tv shows, movies, comic books, video games, and novels. Is it all fake? Could some of it be real? Do we truly want any of it to be real?

More over, are we looking for tools that have never existed? Seeing a roadblock ahead of us that we are just assuming is in our path? Maybe those roadblocks are just boundaries that we have yet to realize are just imaginary.

Our many languages have limitations based on our own experiences. When we are confronted by something we are unable to understand, our language becomes a butchered patchwork. How could we possibly communicate truthful information if our language is unable to identify what we experience?

Note that “speech” is just one type of vehicle (tool) for language. Writing is just one other. There are many more beyond just these two.

How many of them do you use on a day to day basis? Is it worth your time to use more? Or is it not something you would ever bother with to explore?

Magic, monsters, dimensions, ghosts, aliens, frequency travel, etc… Can they be real? Were they ever real? Does it even matter?

I can tell you that, if you truly want to know. Pandora’s box can’t ever be closed. Unless you get a good head injury and loose your memory. Ignorance can be a wonderful blessing.

How far are you willing to go in this life you currently have? Are the secrets being kept from your awareness hidden for a reason? Or were they just forgotten?


Underground artist and author.


Nonpareil Instrumental


The Arcana Spoke