Greetings browser. I’ve been making art for 30 plus years. I used to believe that I needed a specific art style to define who I was as an artist. Then about 15 or so years ago, gave up on that endeavor. I am too much in love with switching it up. My concept style, for the most part, is pretty straight forward. I usually create a type of portraiture depicting the female form.
Career wise, I have worked as a professional graphic designer for ad agencies (freelancing and in house). Then branched out into web development/design, videography, UI/UX, and even became a flash developer when Flash was the hot program on the digital street. Throughout every “corporate” job I took on, I always had the random side hustle of commission work. This is the art side of who I am.
The writer side is a bit more seedling. I’ve only been professionally active for about 17 years. I will try to post a short story or a few published poems when I can on my Story Page. My blog posts will be fairly random.
Danu Marche
The whole point of this website is primarily a backboard for the handing over of a business card. Kind of a visual taste of who I am and what I can do for prospective clients. It’s not an SEO gateway. So if you just happened upon it from curiosity or from one of my social media accounts, welcome! Just so you know, this site won’t have contact info on any of its pages. That information is only on my business card. I do like my privacy. (Since this site is new, it most likely won’t have all the bells, whistles, and options for a while. I am slowly Lego-building it a little every month.)
If you have wondered what hagabaudr8 and gentelxc even mean. Those are old-school nicknames (handles). Adopted back on the tail end of Phreaking (when it was still a thing) and when the internet was a fledgling DNS network. As an active artist (among other hobbies), the Phreaks knew me as GENtelXc and the White Hats knew me as HagaBaudR8. Gentelxc being a mash of the abbreviation for Generation X (Gen…X.) and the clipping-acronym for Telecommunications (…Tel.C). Mashed together to loosely resemble a famous Italian painter from the late Renaissance and early Baroque period that I have always deeply admired. Artemisia Gentileschi. Hagabaudr8 is more of a “silly” modified Leetspeak handle. Taking a term spoken briefly from the original movie ‘Conan The Barbarian’. The term “Haga” simply meaning, ‘of poor quality’. “BaudR8” literally signifying baud rate. Which denotes the amount of signal changes that occur in a communications channel every second; as a measurement of data transmission. IE, “An old computer”.
The 80’s & 90’s were a whirlwind on unhinged fun and exploration. My full-bore underground days of ‘gorilla’ artwork.
I am still an underground artist. Just not as active as I used to be.