This one is about my perception of art. A form of communication that stands apart from most other forms. Save for two others. Music being a form that reaches just as far and powerful in depth. And dance, which closely follows with just as much force and passion.

Art, by most accounts, is an expression. A display of emotions. Drawn out from the heart, mind, and soul. For others, a way that transcends influence. A focus of will, that can change the very perception of reality itself. You could say, it is a flourish only capable from the existence of humanity. That it reaches beyond any singular sensory input, known and unknown. From a simple cave drawing that tells a story of harvest. To an elaborate instillation/performance that fluctuates a tempo with such elegance; that the mind bends into a spectrum of indescribable beauty.

The term ‘art’ blankets numerous acts of creative forms. Far beyond the brush, instrument, or movement. When it all comes down to the brass tacks. No matter what anyone says about it, creating ‘anything’ from the human mind and imagination, is considered to be art. Whether it is any good or has any use is irrelevant to what it is.

My main profession falls into the category of visual art. Basing its broad medium on color and space that is presented in a 2D format...

Damn, that last part was a bit too technical for my taste.

How about, “I make pretty $#!+.” That sums it up simple. Right?

If you haven’t already glanced at my portfolio, I focus on the female persona. I do at times stray from that subject matter and do nature, and every other subject. But that’s not my Jym-Jam.

Women have always fascinated me. Not just how they look mind you. Mainly how they survive. What they have to deal with. What they are subject to by society and most obviously, by nature. Those women that broke the status quo. The mighty individuals that shattered perceptions on what being a woman is, in society. Now, and throughout written history.

Hot, sexy, quiet, intelligent, fierce, wise, vindictive, innovative, blood-thirsty, Amazonian, warrior, temptress, goddesses. Well, each one is obviously different in their own way. That is just what automatically pops in my head when I think of women is all. My own personal view point. ‘Wink’

The post was supposed to be about art right? Heh…

I will end this on an artist I briefly met in Portland Oregon back in 2003. For the life of me I can’t remember his name. But his work was amazing! Not only the actual pieces he put out, but how each one was specifically made! He started out by purchasing his canvases and pigments in the states along with a bunch of natural sponges. After that, when the season started to change, he flew to Southern Asia. After arriving, he sets up shop for a couple more seasons. From there he mixes his paints and creates around 20 individual pieces that get placed in different areas inside small forests. Each canvas having a different formula mixture that includes the pigments he brought over. The canvas is stretched over a large plastic square vat of ‘hot spring’ mineral water. These are filled with soil covered sponges from the area it will rest. The vats are sealed enough so the water doesn’t quickly evaporate but keeps the canvas fairly damp. The pigments on the canvas are thick and viscus enough so they don’t dry out or easily disperse and mix with one another. Each one is situated in the tropical climate under a shaded area. He only visits each one every week or so. After the seasons have past he gathers every canvas and preps them for shipment. Sealing them in a crystal clear poxy resin. For you see. During that time, the canvases were growing moss and fungus on top of the damp pigments. Adopting their colors along with whatever happened to get caught in the pigments themselves. The end result is stunning. They look like a living scape of life and color. The moss and fungus reaching up from the flat surface in unnatural swirls and patterns.

If you ever get the chance to visit Portland Oregon. You just might get to see some of his work during first Thursdays (when all the private art galleries open for viewing across the downtown area). It’s art candy overload.


Underground artist and author.

With & Without


Ode To Passing Melts