You do what you are

Speaking of supernatural and super heroes. I am compelled to ponder upon the next step in that train of thought…

Have you ever given serious thought to the power of will? You know, pure willpower. There are countless stories, articles, documentaries, philosophies, and even a few religious belief systems based on this simple idea. Granted, it can be a bit of a chore to sift through. But the core structure of what it is and how it works is right in reach. Being the ‘information age’ as it is now, having access is quite literally a few key strokes away.

Willpower. A trait that every human possesses and the majority of the individuals on this planet don’t use to its full potential. It is said that those whom do tap into it, only tap. Or draw a small amount from it. Very few actually embrace it. And those few that do, amidst billions, are seen (if they are seen) as extraordinary.

So why is it so hard to hold onto such an idea? If that saying of, “If you put your mind to it, you can do anything,” is really true. Why doesn’t it work the way most of us want?

Ok, here is my hypothesis on this. The mind, in of itself, is a very powerful kind of biological computer. It always is absorbing data through all of our senses. Meaning, it doesn’t usually stay focused on just one thing. A single thought can come and go like the flicker of a movie strip cell. Here for only a second and then it is gone. Being replaced by something else. Have you ever wanted something so badly, for so long, that you eventually end up getting what you wanted? It could be something insignificant. Like a music album. You heard one song from one artist and just broke your back to try and acquire it. Be it through the internet or in a music store, etc. But you finally got it. What if it is something more significant. Something that holds more importance. Say for example, a career. How badly did you want to be a professional in whatever career that it is? How many hurdles and obstacles did you have to go through to get to be that professional? Did each brick wall just make you more determined? Did you break through or climb over it? Were you, in a sense, an unstoppable force? This is the basic example of willpower at its true and pure form.

Now let me pose these questions to you. How many times in your life has this happened? Has it ever happened? If it has, was it more than just a couple times? How often have you been so uncontrollably driven to do something that everything else seemed unimportant? Have you become content in your wants, needs, and desires? Or maybe even given up? From how I understand it, having a strong sense of will is only equaled in nature by complacency and/or contentment. Once one acquires their focus, that sense of accomplishment counterbalances the drive to any further acquisition.

Is this a good thing? A way to stay balanced and maintain a healthy mental equilibrium? It just might be. Maybe. Or not. This makes me think of those who have mental conditions that bypass this sort of balance check. Those that have emotional differences that allow them to never pause or equalize. Those people that take advantage of what they acquire, and like a bottomless reserve of want/need/desire, continue to increase their acquisition. Yes, you can categorize them as sociopaths or another brand of mental state, pick your flavor. In any case examined, could this labeling be just a cop-out? An easy diagnosis derived from clinical studies that numerous professionals agree upon. Maybe, maybe not. I pose the simple observation that, ‘what’ these individuals choose to do with their force of will, makes these diagnoses exist.

Of all the people in all the world, what would you say the most common want/need/desire is? Is it money? Is it power? Or something more basic and far more reaching?


Now. From this step, can you see what has been done and accomplished? Our documented history here on this earth is a treasure trove of individuals that have embraced such a willpower that the rest of us never have reached. Singular individuals that have shaped countless viewpoints, perspectives, and lives. All with the simple unwavering will to control.

But what do these people control? Well, they are the things that we learn about in school. The things we see on television. The things we hear in bedtime stories and in conversations. From the music one creates that lulls the masses into a trance. From the paint strokes one creates that captivates and motivates all who set their eyes in focus. From the culinary spectrum of tastes created from one’s own hands that sends all who taste, into a slumber of divine bliss. From the words written down in such a way that all who read, fall through a portal into another plane of existence. From the words spoken from one individual, millions that experience their presence, are driven to take action.

Willpower. Such a simple thing it is. It can be as a simple ripple in a calm pond. Or a tidal wave that engulfs everything in its path.

It is, something to think about.

I don’t know about you. But I am sticking with wanting to watch that new Flash movie. Oh yes, I will be watching it. Nothing is gonna stop me… But first I am gonna figure out how to get my hands on a grilled cheese sandwich. I’m starving. I don’t need a dream-board for this adventure.


Underground artist and author.

A Life Journal (pt. 1)


Nonpareil Instrumental