Mentality Domination

(Written on June 2nd)

For those of us born between the decades of the 40’s and the 90’s, we are pretty familiar with the whole “mind control” projects associated with world governments. In U.S. pop culture, the Ultra project has been the front runner. Countless news casts spiraling around the censored declassification files; weaving a slew of countless conspiracy theories that continue to this day. Movies and TV shows sensationalizing the specified events from the past and countless novels birthing fantastical stories of the like, into fictional futures.

How would we (regular non-government citizens) ever comprehend the overall scope of such experiments? We can only speculate in a logistical manner on how fast and streamlined this type of research has come. The actual groups (people in charge) that have access to these “still classified” experiments will never relinquish what they are currently capable of. Not to the extent of, laying out all the cards on the table. It is far too dangerous and would cause far too much chaos in society.

Look at what has already been revealed. Which really isn’t that much. The specific “ABC” government agency back in the 70’s has already admitted it was responsible for the purposeful deaths of the (supposed) 130 US citizens between the time the first Ultra program was active and when it was claimed to be “closed down”. Yet the government still exists and still experiments with mind control. This simple fact and reality of what this country continues “to be” is an obvious sign that whatever atrocious and inhuman treatments come, they will eventually be met with the same tolerance that has always existed.

That was dreary… How ‘bout some more?

Aside from the military & intelligence complex of power & accumulation. I wanted to point out the subtlety of such a manipulation. That really isn’t subtle. Do you want to know why so many people voted for the blowhard oompaloompa to become president? Well, it was a very simple middle finger to the corruption infecting the meriod of official government positions acting in office. A kind of “lesser of two evils” choice that the public was surprisingly manipulated into following. (Note that the voting system is currently practicing on a balance of 2 views of political rule sets. All the others are not recognized). So, not everyone fell for this one trick pony tactic. But quite enough did to help make the clown take office. It was a very clever plan. Do you know when this happened? It was televised on national TV during a presidential nominee debate. Did you watch it? Do you remember it? The orange clown publicly admitted to not paying taxes after the accusation was thrown at him. He stated that he used the exact same methods that all the corrupt government officials have been using for decades. Throwing the accusation back into, not only the opponent’s face, but also at everyone else in office at the time. He might have sounded like a moron on the platform but his stream of lies projected a bright light on the truth of what has been going on. And just like that, a snowball was made and started rolling. And not a single drop of Ł$Ð was spilt.

Don’t miss understand why I brought this up. However much of a sociopathic buffoon that he is, he knows how the system works, and takes advantage of it like all of the others. And for those that actually fell for the manipulation, they are now beginning to understand what they voted for. Partly because he has finally been convicted of a crime (the first US president ever). And this was just the first trial outcome. Things are still the same despite the very broken system our government still clings to. The vote was ultimately irrelevant to the bigger picture. In these times, voting for a president hardly has any impact on where the country as a whole is going. That particular event occurred when we (the U.S.) ended up giving control of how things work in our country to an outside non-governmental organization (the Federal Reserve Banks). There is more to it than that. But it is the simplest way to put it without droning on for 8 paragraphs.

To sum up, the engine itself (our government) tends to run off of fear most of the time. Manipulating the masses to relinquish the privileges and the ever sacred freedoms (for the citizens) this country was founded on. Sacrificing what most take for granted. Until what little pieces do remain, become more of a cage than a freedom.

This is the most dangerous way to manipulate minds. To make “the people” believe it is in their best interest. When in the long run, benefits those that were freely given that overall control.

“Pointing out the [soap box] is only a distraction, and moving to another country won’t fix anything.”

But don’t fret! It’s not all bad. We don’t have mandatory mass population implants that give us electric shocks to keep us in line. We can still buy pointless crap, post crazy opinions on the internet, eat food that slowly kills us, and act like idiots in public without being immediately decapitated by lawgiver drones. Just keep in mind, when they start taxing toilet paper like cigarettes and fining your corpse 8,000 dollars for dying. That’s when you should start worrying.

See what I did there?

Fear. It’s a mind killer.

Side note: You must also understand that the fear is not completely unjustified. As technology progresses, the reliance on that technology weakens the overall structure of society. Giving way to more stringent methods that maintain the safety we believe we need, shaving down the privacy we have become accustomed to over the decades.

A lesser of two evils, is still a kind of evil. But which side is it truly coming from?


Underground artist and author.

Legacy Into Oblivion


Spooky Weird Cryptic Creepy