
I thought for a quick moment about my earlier statement in my first log. I was tempted to go back and change it. But, why bother? I kind of thrive off of unexpected change. So, I am amending the inferred set up of working my way up from the past to the present on each post. I will embrace the chaos that I am and just post my usual random thoughts. Like a common person with a website does, right?

So, today will just be a short moment of something I found funny and kinda true (for some of us anyway).

Ever read or watch something that focuses on the mentality of ‘Gen X’rs? This morning I was slowly waking up to start my day, scrolling through video posts on my phone, while sipping on ice water. When this video started to play.


I couldn’t help but giggle an give the signature R.J. Dio ‘Rocker Salute’ to my empty bedroom.

Like a lot of published articles showing off how diverse and a little unhinged most people of the Gen-X generation are. This video sort of sums up our point of view about society in general. Some of us might complain a little. Maybe even stir the pot. But deep down, it’s all a huge $#!+show of one horror after another. Something we are more than happy to sit down and watch with a bucket of popcorn. We grew up watching tv shows and listening to radio broadcasts that would never get aired in this generation’s era. We experienced the birth of the age of information first hand and played the major role in making it a necessity. Then watched it all turn upside down before it turned into what it is now. We witnessed the tale end of Vietnam, saw the end of what MTV was supposed to be forever, watched Watergate unfold, listened to the news cast of the Waco massacre, cheered as the Berlin Wall fell, wondered every decade if we would be murdered by the new serial killer making his rounds, rolled our eyes as the Cold War ended, laughed as a Jazz president got humiliated for getting a blowjob, scoffed at the Heaven’s Gate cult, dropped our jaws at a pretend cowboy start a war that got televised on national tv, lived through the September eleven tragedy, saw an american football icon become a murderer, watched as an entire city burned from riots over a bad cop’s actions, saw a very masculine Olympian celebrity become a very feminine TV celebrity, and then saw an orange Oompa Loompa drive yet another nail in the coffin we call a country… The list truly continues on.

I guess we (GenX) are just so used to seeing things get FUBAR’d so often, we expect things to get even worst or just weirder. Unlike other (later) generations, that have experienced just as much if not a little less so far. We actually enjoy watching everyone else loose their $#!+ over it all. As if these sorts of things have never happened before, anywhere else.

“Buckle up buttercup. You haven’t seen anything yet.”


Underground artist and author.


The Arcana Spoke

