A Ballad Memoir
Music is an audio texture that exists beyond our own human invention of the subject. It is found everywhere in the reality we live. Eolian sounds in the openings on limestone cliffs. The Rayleigh waves or the booming sands that occur through the dunes of a desert or in the event of an avalanche. The skyquakes that emanate from our very atmosphere above our heads. Like the horns of Gabriel himself. These are natural phenomena events. Even the psithurism that happens through the trees in a grove or forest.
Obviously animals on this planet have been making music long before we came into the picture. From the songs of Humpback Whales, to the drone of Cicadas. Not to mention the endless variation of songs produced by birds, frogs, and even fish. Yes, I said fish. Like some types of Catfish, the Midshipman fish, the Toadfish, and a few others species of fish. I can only imagine the types of songs created by dinosaurs and the primordial animals that came before them.
All this I have just explained happens on this planet. But it doesn’t stop there. Outer space creates incantations and harmonies as well. Music translated from telescope data by sonification. Nebulas, plasma waves, black hole mergers, galaxies, and even the vibrations from our own sun. The list of sources goes on.
Yet we are human beings. We absorb everything we experience. And some of the music we produce by our own creativity and imagination, has been described by us, as a majesty of scores. Unequaled melodies that no other life form can hold a light to. Yeah, we can be incredably narcissistic. But, that is kind of ‘our thing’ for the most part. Right? Yeah, not everyone obviously. Not every human being is full of themselves. For the most part, you won’t find a genuinely humble person writing a memoir about who they are and what they have accomplished. An echoist doesn’t purposefully shine a light on themselves saying, “hey, look at me!” Yeah, I am not that modest. I have a website for heavens sake. Where I talk about myself and experiences AD NAUSEAM in my logbook. Even the title of this post is called “A Ballad Memoir”. You could say that it all comes down to how one presents one’s self. Also how another takes what is being said. I really don’t care how you spin it to sound any less vain. It is just ‘plain ego’.
Moving on!
The actual purpose of this post is to express and share what is inside my brain and heart. Whether or not anyone actually reads it doesn’t matter. I do this as an outlet. The whole ‘looking into the abyss’ thing. Or would it be ‘writing to the abyss’?
Anyway, the link below is to a page of selected songs produced from my thoughts and experiences. I have been writing poetry and lyrics for songs since I was a teenager in high school. An ongoing exploration of my unending love for music. I will be adding to it slowly as time permits. None of the music I post on this website will ever be for sale. It is just there to be there.
Tagging a purchased wall I call my own. With a graffiti of music…
“Graffiti of music?”
HAHA! Pretentiousness at its finest. Welcome to my psyche.
(Side note)
The folk section is not from my writing explorations. They are old Gaelic songs that I revamped into music compositions.