Judging The Verdict Everyone Else Has Given You

Well, on one side of the coin, I can calmly say go F’ off. (Referring to the people whom tell me to my face that I am way too weird to deal with. I’m not an a$$hat to everybody).

On the other side, there is a happily content agreement; with most of them… to a certain extent. When I have to deal with how people view me as a person; be it in a short encounter or a long standing relationship. I tend to automatically attach a liking to the ones that either don’t give a crap, and/or accept me for who I am. This being on a first encounter basis. As time goes on (be it days, weeks, or months) this personal viewpoint usually shifts to distain when those particular people openly voice their opinions on my personality in a less than positive light. Very few of those people hold true to their acceptance and/or uncaring opinion of me.

Now, for the people I automatically dislike at the very beginning; things change for me as well. For these ones that I continually encounter, I try to open my own blinder perspective on why they are rubbing me the wrong way. Most of the time it is because they were having a bad day, or are/were dealing with some hidden stressful situation. This is when the whole “treat others as you would have them treat yourself”, crosses my mind. The ‘golden rule’ principle. Which, some of the time, turns me around and they become likable, to me.

I start over analyzing myself with these people. Wondering if my own personality has been less than approving (by way of ‘kind civility’ standards). Was I brash, unkind, rude, overly sharing, or dare I say, obnoxious (probably more this last one than the others)? But still. I feel a bit inadequate that I don’t automatically have this thought process always at the front of my mind, socially. Do other people have this same conundrum? Probably. I do know that there are a ton of people I have met that have this thought process at the forefront of their minds. This is just one of my many “personality” goals; in making myself a better me.

So, what about all the a’h0l€s? Those people who are just a sphincter chasm all the time. With maybe brief moments of likability. I was taught as a kid to be kind to everybody, no matter what… I used to think that being like this made one a “better person”. I still do in a sense. However, sometimes it just feels like a lie if I don’t point out to the person how they are acting like a push cart full of turd dipped tampons. This in turn, at times, creates a worst situation. Of course it does. Who likes being called a shopping cart full of twat bile? I probably could say it in a nicer, more respectful manner. But I admit it. A lot of the time, I act like a twelve year old with my verbiage. Come to think of it, I do use a lot of vulgar hand gestures too.

So yeah, I need some work on my social skills when it comes to confronting the less savory citizens. Honestly, I am surprised I haven’t gotten my ass kicked more often.

Moral of the story?

You don’t know, what you don’t know. Think before you dump your opinion on someone.

That, and always have a quick one liner before someone is about to beat your @$$…

“Let me introduce you to my friends (holding up fists). Mr. Roper and his wife Helen ‘of Amsterdam’.”


Underground artist and author.


P.I. To N.J. in 6 Months


Freedom from Fenced