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Obeisance Considering Muliebrity

I often ponder on my fascination with the female form. Primarily concerning art and the expression of the “spectrum feminine concept” of its depth.

Think for a second on how nature treats this gender of countless species on this planet. For now, ignoring the hermaphroditic and chimeric. Nature* is just a set of rules based on survival, procreation, and behavior. The more of one thing there is, the more evolutionary possibilities unfold. The processes of each gradually changing but never completely (for the most part) being replaced.

Now humans, that is a whole ball of wax turned molten crazy pants. The rules of nature still currently apply. However, we are slowly thinning that border of evolutionary consistency. In the grand scheme of things on this planet, we haven’t been around for that long. Sure, we have evolved into a more efficient and complex species than we had started out as. But take a look at our incremental growth rate. The time that it has taken us to advance intellectually has increasingly sped up throughout our existence. Surpassing our biological progression. Males still carry the seed. Females still carry the egg. Ding-dongs and flipper caves, stamens and pistils, antherozoids and archegonia… you get the idea, right?

So, why am I so fascinated with the human female concept in the fashion that I am? Why not both male and female? Why not the basic human body? My lizard brain automatically tells me one word…


But, after the devilish grin, and when the logic takes over, it is more than that. It is the fact that the human female (being a social creature) is capable of anything a human male can do aside from one simple natural rule. Females don’t have a seed. Now this is all based on the very basic and generic observation of the absence of society and social structure. Not having either would make the female and male genders an equal dyad of perfection. Both capable of doing things the other could do (aside from the males not being able to carry an offspring to term). Making gender only subservient to one of nature’s rules. That being, procreation. Behavior and survival would be inconsequential to the gender equation of human existence. This of course is not the reality of humanity.

Depending on where and when a female is born, raised, and living; dictates the social progression of that “individual” female’s intellectual/biological evolution. Society dictates this process. In current modern times, this can be extremely varied. One area on the planet can excel an individual to great distances, while another area can stifle any semblance of growth. Not to say that this wasn’t the case over 2000 years ago. It is just a lot more varied now. There have been tribes and countries throughout human history that have been ruled and governed by females. However, times as they are now, the progression of male dominance through history, has overtaken the majority of human civilization. From the male perspective throughout human history, females have been consistently pegged as a weaker gender. Through the same history, the female perspective has been consistently pushing back in opposition, to being equal to men. Mind you, not stronger, but equal. This isn’t the case in a lot of cultures though. Some female dominated societies have claimed females are superior in every way (just like some male dominated societies). So what is the point I am trying to make?

Females, despite being knocked down, persecuted, and ignored by male dominated societies throughout world history, are still fighting tooth and nail for that equality of worth. Not superiority, equal standing.

You know that saying of “women are crazy, and men are stupid”? How women are crazy because men are so stupid. How the stupidity of man is driven by the craze of women. Well, as funny as the saying is, this idiom kinda points out the equality of both genders. Each having a trait that counters the other. So to speak.

Think of where we are now, and where we might be 1000 years from now. Our biology might never catch up to our intellectual capacity. However, that intellectual capacity might in fact consume our biology to the extent that male and female genders become obsolete. Procreation might become the, “way of the dodo”. Test tubes and artificial replication. No male. No female. Only “humanoid”.

… no more boobies.

I shutter at the thought.

So yeah, I fixate on the ladies. All their human emotions, perfections, imperfections, strengths, and weaknesses. Showing how society sees them, how I see them, and how they could be seen. Women are beautiful and captivating to me. Every shape, color, variation of action, and motivation. From the tips of their toes to the ends of their reach. All that I love about who and what they are, and more.

Areolas included.

*just so you know, those three rules I talked about are not in opposition to those other main laws of nature. Being rhythm, cause and effect, transmutation, relativity, and polarity. I was just pointing out a narrowed “gender” perspective so I could justify saying the word “boobies”.